Thursday 26 March 2009

FD award!!!

Woooo hoooo! Or so Mum keeps saying anyway!

Apparantly this week it has been confirmed that I have gained enough points to get my flyball dog title! This makes me the first GWP Male in the UK to gain this award and Mum is very proud - or so she keeps telling me! Last year my sister Mollie became the first GWP in the UK to get this title.

I have been having a bit of fun at training recently and stealing balls out of the ball bucket instead of getting the one out of the box. I can fit 3 in my mouth - 4 at a push - which makes everyone laugh! Mum decided enough was enough and has started letting me have a tuggy toy after each run if I do it properly. She is very clever as the tuggy toy has my favourite kong attached to it and she knows I will do anything to get my kong. So I have therefore decided to admit defeat and stop messing around. I will have to think up another cunning plan!

Easter is nearly here and we all hope to be going to compete at Carlton Towers at the game fair which will be great fun.

Monday 9 March 2009

More training & Crufts

Training last Sunday was different! Mum persuaded Dad to come and give running my naughty Sister Mollie a go. Surprisingly she set off much better for Dad than she ever does for Mum with no sign of wanting to pounce on the dog running out. Dad needed a bit of instruction to make sure he was standing in the right place at the right time and made a great effort calling Mollie back but she still plodded down the lane like she had all the time in the world! I think we all agree Dad needs a higher pitched voice but the offers to help make his voice higher pitched were a little un-necessary I think! Auntie Kerry ran with Mollie in the end and made her run faster!

I ran with into the lane following Soloman, there were huge cheers as I ran past him. Don't know what all the fuss was about ... all I want is my ball so I don't care who I have to run past to get it!!! These humans have little faith in me sometimes!

Dads Boss Ian and his son Johnny turned up to watch flyball practice this week. Johnny is dog mad and having lost their old GWP a couple of years ago they are now ready to consider another GWP pup. Are they mad!!! Johnny had a great time and even gave me treats ... he can visit us any time! He even took Mollie for a walk and did some tricks with her.

After flyball, Auntie Kerry did some practice standing and running with Mollie as she went to Crufts this week and being shown by Auntie Kerry. Everyone said how lovely she looked and gave her the new nickname of 'Showbiz Mollie'! Apparantly she was too busy looking for Mum outside the ring though and came away with 5th place in her class. She did her best but I could have done better!

The day after Crufts with Mollie still tired we did some more flyball practice. Mollie ran for Auntie Kerry, Auntie Vik and also Bri. I, as always, ran for Mum. All was going well until I decided things were a little boring and it would be much easier just to pinch a ball out of the ball bucket than out of the flyball box! The humans were not impressed and I was only allowed to do it twice before I was made to stand and watch. Damn ... maybe I should do it properly next week!