Wednesday 30 September 2009

Sheffield Flyball Tournament

The weekend after Drax saw us go to our first tournament in Sheffield. What a great venue with lots of space!First thing it was absolutely freezing, or so the humans said - I was nice and warm in the van with my blanket, but as the day went on it warmed up.

With Spider missing from the line up we had Mollie as fourth dog, plus Yani and Kia as reserves, so were running on a declared time. I was running for Auntie Kerry so decided I would try it on and refuse to give up my Kong tuggy after every race! It was great fun although I didn't get away with it for very long!

We managed some very speedy racing, including Mollie who was most impressive (but then she was running for Mum so was happy) and got a FIRST place in our division at the end of the day. Even Kia and Yani got in on the act and ran a couple of legs each in the afternoon both proving themselves. I enjoyed running when we ran with me, Mollie and Yani together - 3GWP's! At the end of the day not only did we get rosettes but we got mini trophys too. Now I know I'm not allowed my rosettes (I chew them apparantly) but I thought I may be allowed the trophy - apparantly not! The humans are spoilsports.

In between racing Mum made me stand there in front of everyone while she tidied up the hair on my ears ready for a show we were going to. How embarassing. Although poor Mollie got more than just her ears done HA!

Mollie and I were a little worried later on as Mum had to find her own way home from Sheffield and we all know how bad a sense of direction she has. I mean she even gets lost in the woods when we go walking! The addition of a satnav a few weeks ago was a great plan as some guy called 'Sean' told us the way home. Phew!

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